Latest info. Nov. 21st, 2023 :
List of Conferences since January 2004, held by Dr Sarmast in person or virtual (via ZOOM or otherwise), are detailed in Academical & Scientific portion of this web site.
ICRS-AS (Industrial Consulting Reza Sarmast - Academical & Scientific), is a Norwegian based private owned Guranteed company (Registered on 17.04.1997) which offers services of its founder/owner Dr Eng. Reza Sarmast to clients regarding : Academical & Scientific efforts, Book preparation, and Publishing.
Relying on his almost 30 years of hands-on experience gained by teaching in university
and working on Oil/Gas projects in Europe/USA as well as in the Middle-East/Far-East,
he is uniquely qualified to assist clients achieving highest goals as concerns their
Academical & Scientific efforts.
ICRS-AS mission is to place its clients in advantageous position by dedicated assistance
of an specialist engineer (and also a Doctorate level academic), to cater for studies and
supports required during execution of complicated Academical & Scientific projects. 2
